Mandragora officinarum MANDRAKE (10 seeds)


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Mandrake or Mandragora officinarum in Latin is a perennial herb of the Solanaceae family.
It is native to the Mediterranean basin, it is found in Spain, Greece and Turkey but unfortunately, this esoteric herb remains increasingly rare in the wild.

Its leaves are thick and long with large white veins.
Its seeds are in fruits of the form of a cherry tomato and orange color.
It usually fructifies from December to February.

This shamanic herb is very rich in alkaloids, which give it highly toxic properties similar to that of Black henbanedeadly nightshade or jimson weed.
It is surrounded by many legends, the Ancients attributing to it extraordinary magic virtues.

Many therapeutic and medicinal virtues are attributed to it.
It is particularly sedative, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory (in poultice) and hypnotic.
It also has aphrodisiac properties.

This herb needs a deep soil for the development of its large roots, fresh but not excessively moist.
The soil must be extremely rich and draining.
The exposure must be sunny.

Do not be surprised to no longer see your mandrake in the summer, unlike all other plants, it is dormant during the summer.
It will grow from September until the end of May.

Sowing mandrake seeds:

Begin by stratifying the untreated seeds for a few weeks in the refrigerator before sowing.
Then, bury the seeds under half a centimeter of horticultural compost and then water with a hand-held sprayer.
Allow the soil to dry for a few days to prevent rotting of the germ.
Finally, place the greenhouse crop at a temperature of 25 to 30 ° C.
Seeds usually germinate after 2 to 3 weeks after sowing.

  • Easy to germinate and grow.
  • Reproducible seeds without organic designation but untreated seeds.
  • sunny exposure in a very draining soil.
  • Magic and mythical plant extremely rare.
  • Has many medicinal virtues.

Toxic plant. Do not consume.
To cultivate only as a magic and esoteric plant or for the preservation of the species.
Also exists as a live plant for sale to grow.



Hi i would like to buy the plant mandragora complite with the root

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Est ce que vous pouvez me dire quand vous recevrez des graines de mandragore?

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La mandragore est une plante mythique

On retrouve souvent la mandragore dans les livres sur la sorcellerie.
On pensait un temps que cette plante était imaginaire.
C'est une plante qui reste très rare à trouver à l'état sauvage en France.

  • 5 out of 7 people found this review useful.

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Mandragora officinarum MANDRAKE (10 seeds)

Mandragora officinarum MANDRAKE (10 seeds)


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