Petiveria alliacea ANAMU (5 seeds)


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Petiveria alliaceaguiné, mapurite or Anamu is an exotic plant of the family Phytolaccaceae.
It is a plant that comes from the Amazon rainforest in Brazil and Peru.
It produces tiny white flowers.
Anamu seeds are long, gray arrow-shaped.

Anamù is also called Mucura in the Amazonian area of ​​Peru, it is used as a bath of plants against witchcraft.
Historically, it has been used as a phantasmal and medicinal plant to fight cancer (like brazilian ginseng or ginger grass)

It is an ethnobotanical medicinal plant used for many reasons:
Petiveria alliacea is used as an analgesic (relieves pain) and as an anti-inflammatory especially for arthritis and gastric disorders.
The Indians also used it for blood and vascular problems.
It is one of the plants with Uncaria used by the Caboclo community of Amazonia for the relief of pain.

In Brazilian plant medicine, it is called Tipi or Guiné or it is considered an antispasmodic, diuretic, stimulant and a sudorific.
It is also used against arthritis, weakening memory and induces abortions.
In high dosage, it is toxic and should be used with caution when used internally.
The root is more effective than the leaves and the root is considered anesthetic and analgesic.

Sowing Anamu seeds:

Soak your mapurite seeds for 24 hours in warm water and then sow your Petiveria alliacea seeds in a small pot of damp peat at 3 to 5 mm deep.
Finally, place your pot in a greenhouse at a temperature of 30 ° C.
Petiveria seeds usually germinate after 2 to 3 weeks.

Do not consume without medical advice.
Ethnobotanical and shamanic plant collectible.



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Petiveria alliacea ANAMU (5 seeds)

Petiveria alliacea ANAMU (5 seeds)


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