Mimosa pudica SENSITIVE PLANT (10 seeds)


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Mimosa pudica or sensitive plant is a small tropical plant crawling from 10 to 40 cm in height.
It is a perennial plant of the family Fabaceae native to South America.
Branch are thorny and the foliage is persistent.
Flowers are pink.
Mimosa pudica seeds are small brown in color.

Leaves of this small sensitive plant have the particularity to fold at the slightest touch (wind, rain, touch).
This fallback movement allows him to protect himself from bad weather and herbivorous predators.
Once the calm returned after a few minutes, the leaves resume their port.

Other types of Mimosa, which are much larger, also have the ability to protect themselves by folding their leaves, such as the giant sensitive tree (Mimosa pigra) or even the sensitive tree (Mimosa quadrivalvis).

Mimosa pudica is also a medicinal plant known for its sedative action (it is recommended to insomniacs and nervous).
It is also used as a gargle against throat infections (with mallow and lemon beebalm) and is an excellent antidote for snake venom.

Sowing Mimosa pudica seeds:

Dip your seeds in warm water for 12 hours, then sow your seeds of Mimosa pudica in a box of fine potting soil, cover with 1 to 2 mm of fine soil and water with a spray.
Finally, place your seed box under a greenhouse or in a mini greenhouse at a temperature between 25 and 35 ° C.
Sensitive plant seeds usually germinate between 2 and 3 weeks.

  • Unusual plant easy to cultivate.
  • Closure of the leaves spectacular during a shock. (in a few seconds)
  • Beautiful purple flowers in summer and autumn.
  • Medicinal plant.

Also exists as a live plant for growing.



tres belle plante qui bouge même petite, ne pas la toucher trop souvent pour ne pas l'épuiser, bonne germination

  • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.

Germination rapide, excellent

Les graines de plante sensitive germent rapidement au chaud.
Dès la troisième feuilles, le mouvement est perseptible a l'œil nue.
C est vraiment excellent, je la recommande à tous les curieux.

  • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.

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Mimosa pudica SENSITIVE PLANT (10 seeds)

Mimosa pudica SENSITIVE PLANT (10 seeds)


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