legal notices :

Welcome to the most exciting part of the website: the legal notices!

So brace yourself, because I am going to talk to you about all these small mandatory legal details.

So here, I am going to tell you who I am, what I do, where I am based, how to contact me... and all the other weird and boring information that no one ever reads.

So, I won't bother you any longer with that, but if you have any questions to ask, feel free to contact me. I am here for that.

So, enjoy reading and see you soon for new adventures on the ethnoplants website!

Website :
Email : contact.ethnoplants[at]

BP: 70196
74304 Cluses cedex

Telephone number: 0786807800

Num.Siren : 494 845 019
Num.Siret :494 845 019 00020 

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