Leonotis nepetifolia KLIP DAGGA (15 seeds)


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Leonotis nepetifolia, klip dagga or lion's ear is an exotic herb from Africa.
It is part of the family Lamiaceae (such as flame nettlecatnip or white dead nettle).
It measures 2 meters in height and a good meter in width.
Klip dagga produces beautiful orange flowers in summer.
Lion's ear seeds are thin and brown, look like those of wild dagga or honeyweed.

The leaves and flowers of Leonotis nepetifolia produce leonurine, a substance with a sensation of relaxation.
Also widely used in traditional medicine to treat fever, headache, cough.
Klip dagga as Wild dagga is a shamanic and ethnobotanical herb to grow outdoors.
Leonotis nepetifolia was eaten by Hottentot men from Africa to relax and have a good time.

Sowing klip dagga seeds:

Sow your lion's ear seeds in a seed box.
Use a fine, well-draining soil of quality.
Cover the seeds with 2 mm of fine soil and then gently water with a sprayer.
Place your seed box in a place where the temperature should be at least 25 ° C.
The germination of Leonotis nepetifolia seeds begins after 15 days to 3 weeks.

  • Very fast growth.
  • Very beautiful orange bloom.
  • Original and rare herb.
  • Has many soothing and relaxing properties.

Do not consume without medical advice.
African ethnobotanical and shamanic seeds to collect or cultivate as an ornamental herb only.

Also exists as a live plant for growing.


Belle floraison estival

Germination et croissance rapide pour cette plante queue de lion.
Se développe rapidement.
Elle fleurit actuellement.

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Leonotis nepetifolia KLIP DAGGA (15 seeds)

Leonotis nepetifolia KLIP DAGGA (15 seeds)


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