Argyreia nervosa HAWAIIAN BABY WOODROSE (10 seeds)


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4,55 €

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Argyreia nervosa, HBW or Hawaiian baby woodrose is a tropical vine of the family Convolvulaceae.
It suffocates just like kudzu tree supports and is six to ten meters high.
Leaves of Hawaiian baby woodrose are covered with a fine silver felting.
They are very decorative.
Flower of the Argyreia nervosa is purple pink inside and white outside.
Hawaiian baby woodrose seeds are brown in color and resemble those of the purple Ipomoea.

Argyreia nervosa seeds contain a molecule just like Rivea or purple Ipomoea, it is a nootropic substance.
HBW seeds are known for their powerful virtues, including a sense of well being.

This plant is known in India as an ayurvedic medicinal plant where the leaves and roots of plants were used as antiseptic and anti-inflammatory.
Argyreia leaves are used as a nervous tonic and in the treatment of diabetes and arthritis.

Sowing Argyreia nervosa seeds:

Start by scarifying your Hawaiian babywoodrose seeds very lightly with sandpaper, soak your seeds in warm water for 12 hours.
Finally, sow your seeds in small pots of seed potting soil, water copiously and place them in a warm and humid place, type greenhouse at a temperature close to 30 ° c.
Argyreia seeds usually germinate after 15 days.

  • Very beautiful flowering.
  • Give a very exotic stamp to your interior.
  • Have many uses.

Do not consume.
Ethnobotanical plant seeds to be grown only as an ornamental plant.

Also exists as a live plant to cultivate.


Belle grimpante tropicale

Très bon taux de germination, pousse extrêmement vite.
La liane d'argent est une très belle plante grimpante aux feuillages argentés.
Ne fleuri malheureusement pas en métropole.

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Argyreia nervosa HAWAIIAN BABY WOODROSE (10 seeds)

Argyreia nervosa HAWAIIAN BABY WOODROSE (10 seeds)


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