Alcea rosea nigra BLACK HOLLYHOCK (10 seeds)


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Black hollyhock or Alcea rosea nigra is a plant of the Malvaceae family. (like cotton or Mallow)
It is a very hardy perennial plant that measures 1.50 m to 2 meters in height.
It is mainly grown for its beautiful black flowers as the flowers of Zabala.
Flowers of black hollyhock are beautiful and very decorative in the garden in front of a wall of light color.
Hollyhock seeds with black flowers are dark brown and flat.

In addition to being splendid, Alcea rosea nigra is rich in mucilages.
It has softening, emollient, bicicidal, laxative and aperitive properties.
The black hollyhock is used in traditional medicine by macerating roots previously peeled and dried in cold water.
It is used for the manufacture of calming ointment as pot marigold.

Sowing black hollyhock seeds:

The first step is to stratify black hollyhock seeds naturally by leaving them outdoors in the winter of December or artificially by putting them in the refrigerator for 15 days.
Then bury the seeds of Alcea rosea nigra in a box of fine potting soil 2 to 3 millimeters deep, water gently with a hand sprayer.
Finally, put the crop in a place where the temperature is close to 20 to 25 ° C.
Black hollyhocks seeds usually germinate within a few weeks.

  • Beautiful original plant to discover.
  • Perennial plant, regrow each year.
  • Ornamental and medicinal plant.
  • Location full sun, little demanding.

Seeds of rare and curious plant on sale to grow in the garden.


Une vivace sublime

J'adore cette plante.
Les fleurs sont veloutées et la couleur est magnifique.
Elle fleurit en été et repousse chaque année.
Je la recommande!

  • 3 out of 3 people found this review useful.

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Alcea rosea nigra BLACK HOLLYHOCK (10 seeds)

Alcea rosea nigra BLACK HOLLYHOCK (10 seeds)


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