Nerium oleander OLEANDER (20 seeds)


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2,70 €

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Oleander, also called Nerium oleander in Latin, is a shrub in the Apocynaceae family.
It is native to the southern shore of the Mediterranean Sea.
It is a shrub approximately 2 meters high.
Its flowers are pink and bloom from July to September.
Its seeds are brown and fluffy, they resemble those of sweetleaf.

It is a relatively rustic ornamental plant, it resists well to slightly negative temperatures, down to -5°C.
Below, it is preferable to grow it in a pot then bring it inside or protect it each winter.

It is one of the most dangerous plants in Europe along with monkshood and foxglove, all parts are highly toxic
Ingesting a single leaf can be fatal for an adult, due to the heart problems often caused.

The best time to sow oleander seeds is at the end of May.
Sow them in a box of horticultural soil, covering them with only a few millimeters of substrate.
Water gently then place the culture in a greenhouse at a temperature of 35°C.
Its germination is rather long, allow a time varying from 4 to 6 weeks after planting.

  • Very beautiful flowering throughout summer and fall.
  • Untreated reproducible seeds.
  • Relatively hardy plant.
  • Evergreen foliage.

Ornamental plant for sale to grow outdoors.


Commande bien reçue

Merci de votre diligence. Mes graines de Laurier rose sont semées. Quant à mes graines de frangipanier elles trempent. Excellent service. Nul doute que je place une autre commande bientôt.


Semis facile

J ai semer mes graines de laurier rose dans du sable humide avec du terreau à la chaleur.
Tout à poussé, c'est simple et sans difficulté particulière.

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Nerium oleander OLEANDER (20 seeds)

Nerium oleander OLEANDER (20 seeds)


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